I am very honored to present my soloist participation for my dear italian friends of “Obsolete Theory“.
Author Archives: Ally
guest participation for Hydra
Only a couple of days, until the new album “Solar Empire” of Symphonic Metal Band “Hydra” is in stores. With a guest appearance of Ally’s violin. Release date: Dec 30.
Trailer: listen here
Eisheilige Nacht – ready and go!
The new Violinist of Subway To Sally
Finally officially! And I can not tell, how glad and thankful I am to follow into the foot steps of Frau Schmitt (Silke Meyer), who is without any doubt one of the most wonderful persons I know.
“After we had to play all festival shows of this summer without Frau Schmitt also we wanted to know, how the band would continue. Frau Schmitt finally decided this way:
Dear fans, dear friends!
Some time passed away and I found occasion to overthink some things. Now my decision is done: I will not return to Subway To Sally. Some of you will be disappointed and I have to live with that. Others will understand. We had 26 years and a good mutual time, but now I have to follow my own ways.
I will of course remain faithful with music and hope to bring joy with my own creations. Furthermore I started a training in the artistically accompanying area. I learn a lot of new things and a new dimension of the meaning if music.
My warmest greetings to all of you
Of course we have been prepared for this news. In the past month we were communicating a lot and Frau Schmitt will indeed not return to the stage, but will always be a part of this band. After so many years, so many concerts and so many experiences this is a huge step which needs a lot of courage.
The part of the violinist will be now permanently occupied by Ally Storch, who you might have met yet in the summer on the festival stages with us. Ally is a seasoned rock violinist, who entered the stage already with ASP, Asps Von Zaubererbrüdern, Letzte Instanz, Schandmaul, Haggard and other leading bands of our scene and of course with her own soloist project Ally The Fiddle. Ally was chosen by Frau Schmitt herself. The two musicians are friends and appreciate each other. More about Ally: https://ally-storch.com/
We wish lots of success for Frau Schmitt’s prospective musical journey. A hint of the content of her new CD, which is actually in progress, will be found here: Frau Schmitt – Am Abend
11/20/2016, subwaytosally.com
Pics of “tanzt!” Festival
Gorgeous pictures by fotografer Marcel Durach (“Die Photo Seite“): Nov 12 2016, “tanzt!”-Festival in “Backstage”, Munich. Ally Storch with Subway To Sally.